Timers & Controllers

Is your timer/controller giving you a error message or a power off message? Don’t worry, you’re in good hands here at Milton Outdoors Sprinkler Repair. We have highly trained and qualified technicians on staff to help you.

If its giving you an error message along with a number, its more than likely a faulty solenoid on that number station thats showing the error. Solenoids will short out over time, some short out sooner than later and will need to be replaced. The valve will need to be located to replace the solenoid.

If the timer is giving a “power off” message, it could be a few different things.

  • Bad timer/controller and needs to be replaced

  • Fuse blown and just replacing the fuse could resolve the issue

  • Bad AC/DC adaptor, sometimes these may go bad, but if it has gone bad, the timer is prob on its last leg and needs to be replaced anyways.

  • A tripped GFI outlet, just a simple reset will resolve this issue

 Another Timer/Controller Issue

Yesterday my irrigation worked and today nothing comes on, can you help me?

  • Rain Sensor Active – Try deactivating it on the timer if you have that option, especially if it rained recently.

  • Rain Sensor Bad – Rain sensors will go bad over time, the inside cork like material will dry rot and cause the sensor to not work properly anymore. Can be rebuilt in some cases, but may need to be replaced with a new unit.

  • Rain Sensor Wire Cut – If your rain sensor isn’t wireless, you may have a wire running down the outside wall of your house. They will occasionally get cut by a weed eater and cause your timer to not work properly.

  • Wireless Rain Sensor Battery – Batteries do go bad over time and sometimes will need to be replaced.
